
5 years ago
My goodness you did absolutely fantastic work on this piece!! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season my friend.


5 years ago
Hi @Bridgette thank you so much for your heartwarming thoughts, I very blessed to have such caring friends thank you ❤️❤️ hope you and your family have a fabulous Christmas and new year ☃️☃️🎄🎄❤️❤️❤️


5 years ago
Thank you so much @Scarlettpetals for your lovely comment and hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas 🎄🎄❤️❤️


5 years ago
Hi my sweet lady...I will try to text...a black bar is popping up and down while the texting....since recolor changed things...another person has mentioned this too...So sorry to hear the news of your Dad....I was as close to my Dad as a daughter and Dad could be...💗🌹 that's why I put roses in my text...its been over 20 years since he times I will wish I could talk to him about something that's happened...u will have this too......can't...........................


5 years ago
But I do talk to him. in my thoughts ...saying sorrynever seems enough...thou unexpected .....its hard...but remember this... the time u had he knew how much u loved him and some daughters never experience a bond with their dads....u and I were lucky....I lost my mum at age after Christmas.... so never got to know her....I hate this saying...but its true...time will ease the hurt and gradually u can remember the joys u had with him. We never stop missing them...its


5 years ago
only know our hearts ache with you. ... take your time my love.... u only will know when. its time to move forward...its still a shock.....we love you...sending love...warm hugs of strength..... Sweetpea. ...💗💗💗👾🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹LOVE NEVER ENDS🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🇺🇸🇬🇧💞💋


5 years ago
Beautiful coloring happy to hear from you...all my love doll 💗👾


5 years ago
Hi my lovely friend @sweetpea thank you for texting its lovely to hear from you. I'm in such pain its overwhelming at the moment my chest physically hurts so much it's difficult to breath. He was so healthy sweetpea and very rarely had anything wrong with him. He had a heart attack which he never recovered from which has completely shocked the family. I've never lost anyone significant in my life till now and I'm finding it unbearable. When I wake up in the morning, just for a second I forget...


5 years ago
@sweetpea then it hits me like a mail train and the pain starts again. I'm under the doctor at the moment who's giving me something to help me at leased sleep which seems to be working. I do hope he's with me and hope he leaves some signs he's there. Thank you for talking and listening my dear friend and have a wonderful Christmas and new year,,, your friend always corrine ❤️❤️❤️


5 years ago


5 years ago
So sorry to hear of your loss 😘


5 years ago
Hi sweetie...ipad really messing up...typed u a long reply...won't send?..will try you...Sweetpea.... 🙏💞🌹👾hope this sends😘believe me....he is with you. ...I have experienced with my Dad...his physical body is gone...but his soul and spirit will always be with you...


5 years ago
Thank you @sweetpea that brings so much comfort and thank you for being a truly lovely friend, hope you get your iPad sorted xxx much love always corrine ❤️❤️❤️


5 years ago
Thank you @❤️❤️❤️❤️SHRECKY❤️❤️❤️❤️🇨🇦🇨🇦 💜💜


5 years ago
Hi my lovely lady....will try texting again...sometimes sending shorter texts may work....?.....I am glad the doctor is giving you need the rest...your in overload trying to process his don't realize it but u are probably hyperventilating. ..even sleeping...causing the feeling of hard to people really do have heartaches....what u are experiencing I know its scary....from experience...try taking a deep breath thru nose.....


5 years ago
hold 60 seconds...release slowly thru mouth....repeat 2 more times...its helps slows heart racing and gets fresh oxygen on and off during day....I use to take Zanax for panic attacks (due to heart racing...MVP) ....its non addicting...helped me relax to cope with things...believe will get easier...but right now its normal to grieve...its our body's way of dealing with loss.....there are times after all these years....things will happen...number of times...not in season...a butter


5 years ago
butterfly has appeared around me and I know its a sign from him...u just feel it...he's telling me he's okay🌹it may not be as soon as you'd like....but it will happen....and you will smile and remember without the pain and that will make your Dad very happy....our loved ones are always around glad u have your sweet daughters there....I am here if ever u want to release...All my love sweet lady....take a day at a time....remember💞🙏🇺🇸🇬🇧👾

Jean Soars Sandhu

5 years ago
@corrine , I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Blessings and hugs my friend . 🙏🏻🇦🇺Jean


5 years ago
Thank you @Jean Soars Sandhu ❤️❤️


5 years ago
Corrine, just wanted to leave you a message to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I know this is a tough time for you because of the recent passing of your father and while you will never and should never get over his loss, time does have a way of making things better or maybe I should say less painful. I hope your 2019 is filled with much happiness, good health and prosperity. ❤️🌹❤️🌹