Bucky’s doll

4 years ago
Poor wittle baby Patton!🥺🥺 Qt: How do U feel rn AQT: TIRED!!

Natasha Romanoff

4 years ago
I’m well

Sunshine (2)

4 years ago
Scared and lonely

Bucky’s doll

4 years ago
Do u need to talk? I’m here for u. I will listen @Never let you go ❤️

Bucky’s doll

4 years ago
I want to help. What’s wrong? @Sunshine (2)

Bucky’s doll

4 years ago
Oh I’m sorry. I feel ya tho.❤️Do you want to talk? @Never let you go ❤️

Bucky’s doll

4 years ago
@Never let you go ❤️It’s ok I won’t. It’s okay to cry. There is a saying that goes “ it is not weak to cry. It means that you have been strong for too long”. I feel you. I cry myself to sleep every night. I try to keep it in and ignore the anxiety and worries in my head. My sister has only seen me cry once in the past 5 years. Everyone thinks I am tough and strong skinned. But I am broken and upset like you. It’s okay. You can tell me. I will listen and help. Crying can make it better. U should..

Bucky’s doll

4 years ago
@Never let you go ❤️ embrace ur feelings. Plz talk to at least someone if it gets worse.

Sunshine (2)

4 years ago
One word @I Love Thomas Sanders!!❤️💖 SCHOOL ☹️🥺

𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙨 ~O_O~

4 years ago
I literally just woke up....my life’s a mess

𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙨 ~O_O~

4 years ago

Bucky’s doll

4 years ago
Oh I’m so sorry! @Never let you go ❤️ can u explain CP plz? I’m unfamiliar. But I’m so sorry. Have you started school yet? If u have u should see a counselor and talk about the problems at home. If u don’t mind me asking... what are the problems. Is it arguing between siblings, parents, school, etc?

Bucky’s doll

4 years ago
What time is it where you live? I normally wake up late too😂. Also r u ok? @𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙨 ~O_O~

𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙨 ~O_O~

4 years ago
@I Love Thomas Sanders!!❤️💖 It’s 12 pm...I’m fine...

Bucky’s doll

4 years ago
Oh. Are u sure. If u need to talk I will listen. People say I can give good advice @𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙨 ~O_O~ It will be ok

𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙨 ~O_O~

4 years ago
@I Love Thomas Sanders!!❤️💖 Yes,I’m sure....but Thank You!

Bucky’s doll

4 years ago
Omg I’m sorry! U shouldnt have to deal with this. U didn’t waste my time at all. My mom just wanted me to do something. You should tell a counselor or someone that can help. I’m so sorry that I have to deal with this @Never let you go ❤️

Bucky’s doll

4 years ago
It’s okay. I’ve just been through a lot in life. I was born with irregular heart rate and cord wrapped around my neck, then was diagnosed with hip displasia when I was like 10 months old and had to have surgery for it. I had to wear a cast and then a brace for about a year and a half, I have very flat feet which cause me to feel like I’m walking on two sprained ankles, Osgood Slaughters which is a thing in the knees that makes it feel like they’re being stabbed, then I got diagnosed with...

Bucky’s doll

4 years ago
Scoliosis, which is a curve of the spine and mine was 63 degrees. It was crushing my lungs and organs. I just recently had a 7 hour surgery for it. I couldn’t eat for 2 days. If I ate or drank anything I could’ve died bc of the pain meds. It hurt so bad and every two hours I had to be woken up to have them literally run salt water through my veins. I also(not diagnosed) have heightened anxiety. I have done so many. Things in my life that I’m not proud of. Everyone thinks I am a really tough,@Ravenclaw Blue&Silver

Bucky’s doll

4 years ago
Thick skinned person when I am dying inside. My sister has only seen me cry once in the past 5 years. But I cry myself to sleep every night as the thoughts of what I’ve done and what’s to come poi’s through my head. I’m sorry that was a lot. I just needed to tell someone😔